Monday, September 20, 2010

Fun Facts About the Sometimes Illusive Female Orgasm

After doing some online research, I have amassed a list of some of my favorite fun facts regarding the sometimes illusive female orgasm. Enjoy!
  • The average length of time it takes a woman to have an orgasm is 20 minutes. The average length of time it takes a man to have one... 2-5 minutes.
  • 44% of men say their female partners always orgasm during sex... BUT only 22% of women say they always orgasm during sex.
  • The G-Spot is named after Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, who was the first to write about it.
  • There are 3 types of orgasms: vaginal, clitoral, & blended.
  • Approximately 10% of women can experience female ejaculation.
  • Anorgasmia is the inability to reach an orgasm. 24-37% of women have anorgasmia.
  • Forget blue balls - there is such a thing as blue clitoris. Tell that to your man the next time he complains.
  • Orgasms can be single, serial (multiple orgasms in a row), or sequential (multiple orgasms with breaks in between).
  • Woman can orgasm from sex, masturbation, stimulation, dry sex... and a lucky 1% can even orgasm solely from breast stimulation.
  • Some tips to achieve the female orgasm? Relax, communicate, encourage, enjoy, fantasize, & arouse.
  • An orgasm during sex can potentially increase a woman's chance of conception. This is because a hormone called oxytocin is released in peak levels during an orgasm, which causes uterine contractions that coax sperm toward the egg.
  • Leave the Tylenol in the medicine cabinet - orgasms can reduce sensitivity to pain, menstrual cramps, and even help alleviate stress.
  • One study found that up to 45% of female variation in their ability to have an orgasm can be attributed to genetics.
  • The most orgasms recorded by doctors in a single hour is 134!
And, of course, I had to leave you with the infamous fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dr. Gisella Perl: A Closer Examination of a Controversial Woman

There are so many heroes of the Holocaust. All that survived the horrors of the Nazis, and those who did not, deserve to be honored. There are many whose stories have been celebrated and retold through novels and movies, and even more whose stories vanished when they lost their lives. The story of Dr. Gisella Perl, a doctor in Auschwitz, almost fell into this later category, because of its controversial nature. A female gynecologist who performed over a thousand abortions is not the usual type of figure to be celebrated - now or during the 1940’s. However, her courageous actions during the Nazi regime were not forgotten due to her memoir, I Was a Doctor in Auschwitz.

Little is known about Perl’s childhood; her memoir only mentions a few select scenes from her past. What they demonstrate, however, is her strong desire to become a physician, and her devotion to her religion. Achieving this delicate balance was difficult, but Perl succeeded, even during her stay in Auschwitz. She fulfilled her promise to her father to be a “good, true Jew." Perl grew up, and remained until being deported to Auschwitz, in Sziget, Transylvania with her entire family. She married an optometrist, and together they had one son, who was a talented violinist. Perl had a thriving practice, and was well known as an expert in her field.

On March 19, 1944, Germany over ran Hungary, and the decline of life, as Perl knew it began. At first, Hungarian Jews were forced to wear the yellow Star of David on their arms and adhere to a strict curfew, but soon all of the Jews in Sziget were herded into the ghetto. Dr. Perl and her family were wealthy and well established, and with that came additional benefits during life in the ghetto. These advantages significantly increased their chances of survival over other families being relocated from the country.

The Perl family stay in the ghetto was atypically short, a mere two weeks, but while there Perl was able to acquire a vial of morphine from the outside. 40 centigrams each was distributed among the family members in small vials and stuffed into their shoes, in case things became unbearable. However, the terrible conditions of the ghetto was just a warning of things to come; food was scarce, and living conditions close. As a result, Perl’s brother David contracted pneumonia, as many did, and became gravely ill. He was not able to recuperate before the family was deported, and had to be carried to the transport. Before the Perl family was herded onto the train for Auschwitz, three members had already drank their vial of morphine, and committed suicide. The only other family member who would have the chance to take the poison was Perl herself.

Upon their arrival in Auschwitz women and men were separated and the initial selection process began. When Perl got off the transport she found a SS guard, and begged for medical attention for her brother. She also asked for her son to accompany him. It was only later that she found out the Red Cross trucks drove her only child and brother straight to the gas chambers. This would also be the last time she would see her husband, father, and mother. Her husband and father were sent to the men’s camp, and later perished, and her mother was sent to the left. (To be sent to the left was a sentence that meant immediate death.) Not everyone was lucky enough to die in the gas chambers upon their arrival at this death camp - the children were ripped away from their mothers, only to be thrown into a ditch together and burned alive. This was the routine of every “shipment” of people.

Perl’s first encounter with Dr. Mengele, the "Angel of Death" in Auschwitz, almost cost her life. While standing for selection, a process that took four hours twice a day, Dr. Mengele came to visit Bloc C, the Hungarian women’s barracks. Still new in Auschwitz, she was unaware of the horrors that Mengele took pleasure in. When he asked her to round up all of the pregnant women to send them for better treatment she immediately consented. As a gynecologist, she felt a responsibility to protect these women’s lives. The women were herded onto Red Cross trucks, and they drove off. It was only minutes later that she saw these same trucks stop in front of the crematorium, and both women and fetus were burned alive. She unknowingly had sent fifty pregnant women to their deaths. Once she realized what she had done, Perl drank her vial of morphine, but it was not enough to kill her. She recuperated, and made a promise to herself that there would never be another pregnant woman in Auschwitz.

After a short stay in Auschwitz, a hospital was established and Perl was assigned to take care of the sick and wounded. By day she was busy with her endless stream of patients, and by night she performed countless abortions to protect the mothers. Death was not the only “cure” for pregnancy in Auschwitz. Dr. Mengele took a special interest in pregnant women and once they were discovered he liked to experiment on them. These experiments would take place with no anesthesia and, more often than not, the women would be killed afterward anyway. When I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. I was able to view some of the actual recordings of these and other experiments performed by Dr. Mengele. I cannot even begin to describe them. Perl did not have any medical tools, and was forced to perform these abortions on the floors of the disease filled barracks with her bare hands.

Auschwitz was a highly organized means to accomplish the Nazi goal; to kill all the Jews. It was also a world of its own, and any outsiders could not judge the actions that went on in there.

“There was only one law in Auschwitz – the law of the jungle – the law of self-preservation. Women who in their former lives were decent self-respecting human beings now stole, lied, spied, beat the others and – if necessary – killed them, in order to save their miserable lives.” Perl.

Perl’s actions, although highly controversial, were taken to save the lives of the mothers in the camp. Although, on one hand, she aborted 1,000 fetuses, she in turn worked to save over 1,000 lives.

One of the main reasons that Dr. Perl’s story is not a commonly known one is because of its controversial nature. Perl performed over 1,000 abortions in Auschwitz - this large number is shocking even today, when a large portion of our nation has liberal ideas about a “woman’s right to choose.” However, during the 1940’s and 50’s, abortion was not a common practice to say the least. Some are disgusted about number of abortions she performed, and some about the conditions. All she had to nurse the former mothers back to health was encouraging words about the end of the Nazis. These abortions generally seem like unnecessary deaths to outsiders, but when closely examined, these abortions were necessary for survival. And above all, life is valued in the religion of Judaism. If Perl could save one mother’s life, and she could go on to bear more children in the future, then the Nazis would have failed. The Jewish race would continue on.

Dr. Gisella Perl was an incredibly strong woman. Not only did she have the physical and mental strength to withstand the horrible conditions of the camps, but she also passed this strength to others through her encouraging words. From the time that she arrived in New York after liberation, until she moved to Israel in 1979, Dr. Perl delivered over 3,000 healthy babies. She became an expert in infertility, and helped many women who previously could not get pregnant. Until her death in 1988, Dr. Gisella Perl did all she could to bring life into this world. And before she delivered each baby, she would silently pray to herself, “G-d help me, I should be able to give back life today.”

Serodiscordant Couples: Sex after HIV

Growing up, I always visited Washington D.C. each summer for vacation. While in the nation’s capital I would stay with a family friend, Bob. Bob is a homosexual, and had a life partner by the name of Michael. Michael passed away from an AIDS related opportunistic disease in 1993.

What is "Serodiscordant"?

The term serodiscordant describes the conflicting HIV status of a couple. Serodiscordant means that one partner is HIV+ (sero-positive) and one is HIV- (sero-negative). There is a constant concern of HIV infection for the sero-negative partner.

Sex in a Serodiscordant Relationship

Participating in a serodiscordant relationship does not mean an end to one’s sex life. Partners can still partake in almost every sexual act with little risk. There are some, however, that can be riskier than others. Rectal douching and fisting, as well as, vaginal fisting are among some of the riskier sexual acts. This is because while fisting skin is torn and these small slits, scars, and fissures make HIV infection easier upon contact with infected blood, semen, or vaginal fluid. Additionally, S&M (sadist and masochist) practices are extremely risky.

When using protection, anal-penile, penile-vaginal, oral-vaginal, and oral-penile pose little risk of infection. Oral sex is a surprisingly low-risk activity. The risk increases when there are sores and cuts in the mouth, or the partner has recently brushed their teeth. Withdrawal method for heterosexual or homosexual male couples is still risky because HIV can be transmitted through pre-ejaculation.

For heterosexual and male homosexual couples it is highly recommended to always use a condom while performing sexual acts. As stated earlier, oral sex is a lower risk activity, but using a condom is a better way to prevent transmission rather than just “chancing” it. Unprotected receptive anal intercourse (URAI) has a transmission rate of 0.82%.

Additionally, homosexual female serodiscordant couples should also always use protection. Not sharing sex toys, or if they are shared, using a condom or washing thoroughly before passing back and forth, are precautions that should respected. Mutual masturbation and ejaculating on unbroken skin is a very low-risk activity for all couples to engage in.

For both female and male couples it is recommended to be open and communicate thoroughly with partners. This is one of the most important requirements for keeping a sero-negative partner uninfected. Asking to use protection should not be embarrassing, and doing research about the risk associated with different activities is important.

The Condom Broke - Now What?

If a condom breaks or exposure occurs infection is not inevitable, there is another option. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is a round of medicine taken each day for a month to avoid infection. These medicines are very expensive, although, and not always known about. In a study done in 1999, one-quarter of all respondents had heard about post-exposure prevention; however, only five of the seronegative partners reported taking medications after a possible exposure to HIV.

Negative Views

There are also several negative views surrounding serodiscordant couples. The first, is a fatalist attitude of the sero-negative partner. Some believe that it is only a matter of time before they become infected with the disease, so safer sex practices are merely a waste of time. Another negative belief is that those who are infected seek out negative partners to infect them. It is actually illegal to knowingly infect someone else with HIV or AIDS, yet still transmission rates have skyrocketed over the years. It can be argued that this is a result of partners not knowing their sero-status, but some must know and still engage in sexual acts. Many believe it is irresponsible for those infected to engage in any sexual relations with sero-negative partners, because there is always some risk of passing on HIV.

Overcoming the Challenges of Serodiscordancy: A 4-Prong Approach

Serodiscordant couples in lower-income or rural areas are faced with additional challenges because of their location, education, and proximity to facilities capable of dealing with the disease. Whereas Bob and Michael were a white upper-class couple from a wealthy area in Washington D.C., and had every opportunity to prevent transmission, many couples are not as lucky. In order to overcome these difficulties, I suggest a four-pronged approach that I believe would ensure lower infection rates among men and women in these areas. This initiative would involve sex education, accessible contraceptives, regular HIV testing, and communication among partners.

  1. The first step is sex education in the schools. Unfortunately, abstinence only education has never been affective and something more is needed. All schools should not only focus on how to have safe sex, but also safer alternatives to intercourse. Learning how to properly use a condom, diaphragm, etc. is a huge step in the right direction but it is not enough. As stated earlier, mutual masturbation, for example, is a safer option with almost no risk, and still provides the benefits of intimacy and orgasms. Another key component of sex education that must be improved is the stressing of open communication among partners.
  2. Accessible contraceptives are one of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS within all populations. Condoms, in particular, are highly effective at preventing HIV infection among partners, depending on the type used. Latex and polyurethane are the most effective, and when used properly are completely impermeable to viruses including but not limited to HIV and Hepatitis B. On the other hand, condoms made of natural materials such as lambskin are not as effective as their counterparts. In research done, the HIV virus leaked across the lambskin condom in one out of two of the studies. Many couples cannot afford, however, to purchase condoms on a regular basis to use one every time.
  3. Even if condoms were made readily available, some couples would still choose to engage in unprotected sex, which is why regular HIV testing is necessary to help slow the spread of the disease. HIV testing is vital to ensure that couples can both know their sero-status, and realize what risks are associated with certain sexual acts or behaviors. Hospitals such as Robert Wood Johnson Research Hospital provide free and anonymous HIV testing, but rural communities do not always have a facility willing and able to do this.
  4. Many researchers have highlighted the importance of communication among seriodiscordant couples to help prevent the transmission of HIV from the sero-positive to the sero-negative partner. It is first important to no longer consider sex a taboo subject to discuss. The more comfortable people are discussing sex in general, the more likely they will be to discuss it when it really matters – with their partner. This communication with one’s partner is necessary to discover not only likes and dislikes, but also sero-status, number of sexual partners, how recently they were tested, etc. These things may seem like uncomfortable questions to ask but they are vital to ensure that the each partner is on the same page and understands the risks being taken. Also, it is important that if one or both partners stray during the course of the relationship that they get tested again and notify their partner. Again, this may be an uncomfortable situation, but it is crucial if both parties are to remain healthy.

Sometimes the most difficult discussions can also be the most rewarding. Finding a partner that accepts a sero-positive status, can be the beginning of a long and loving relationship; one in which both partners remain healthy... and sexually satisfied.

Love at First Bite: Why Vampires are the New Sex Symbol

Lately you are hard pressed to find a girl, teen or woman that has not been bitten by the vampire craze.

If you want a brooding, deep teenager who is an expert at bedroom eyes - Edward Cullen is your guy.

Interested in some brothers action? The new series Vampire Diaries will deliver.

If you like sexy, ancient, bad boys then Lestat (Tom Cruise in Interview with a Vampire) is a good match.

And we can't forget Eric in True Blood - a chiseled, cocky and ancient vampire with a hidden soft side.

But why has this mythical creature reached new heights in popularity with a corresponding rise in female fantasies? What has made the classic equation of human woman + male vampire = love, explode throughout the entertainment and literary industries?

I don't think that it is an accident that women are so drawn to the character of a vampire. Part of it is a "they chose me" attitude. Think: captain of the football team fantasy in high school. These men could have anyone, seduce anyone... but the attraction is them choosing you. Not just as a food source, but as an equal - to love and to cherish.

Also, vampires have an inherent bad boy streak. There is something dangerous, and subsequently sexy, about a bad boy that has always attracted women. Well, this character brings it to the next level by there actually being an element of risking your life. At any point they can lose control and take things too far.

Vampires are also a little amorphous with their sexuality. After being around for hundreds of years, they pretty much have tried everything. They also have had hundreds of years to perfect their technique in the bedroom. A well trained man in that department is definitely a turn on!

Passion. ALL women want it. We want to be adored - the center of someone's universe. And every woman wants to be looked at with those passionate stares that vamps are known for. You know what I mean, the intense stares that say "I want you", "I NEED you", "You look good enough to eat" all rolled into one.

And it doesn't hurt that they choose actors like Robert Pattinson, Brad Pitt and Alexander Skarsgard playing them. These men are gorgeous anyway, but add a little fang and their sex appeal is skyrocketed to a-whole-nother level!

Finally, there is fantasy about getting bitten (at least in the stories that it doesn't get you killed). It is a very overtly sexual act... the ultimate penetration for a vampire and blood-donor. Many times, feeding is directly linked to a sexual activity, only increasing its draw.

With all this, women are not going to soon abandon their vampire fantasies. Especially when they have the Twilight Series movies, another season of True Blood & Vampire Diaries to look forward to.

The Way to a Man's Heart

Although it sounds cliche, the way to a man's heart is really through his stomach. Cooking a sweet and sexy meal for your special someone (or potential flame), is a sure fire way to seal the deal... and if you do it right, your man will be eager to return the favor in the bedroom. (A definite plus!)

When crafting a romantic menu, think "SEX". What comes to my mind? Chocolate, whipped cream, silky textures, spicy flavors, maybe Italian or French food. Planning your meal around ingredients that inspire naughty thoughts will make your guy interested in having you for dessert.

General Tips
  • Make sure you check with your honey on any allergies... the last thing you want is to spend all day making a seafood dinner only to find out that analphylactic shock will be on the dessert menu.

  • Don't be afraid of using garlic. As Rachel Ray says, "Two garlics cancel each other out." Plus, you can always plan a dessert with mint as a sneaky way to ensure you have fresh breath for kissing.

  • Have fun with it. I am guilty of stressing out when I'm planning a big dinner for... and I have been known to freak if it isn't ready when he gets there. But I have found thatguys think a girl cooking is pretty sexy. They love to see us glistening from the heat of the stove, and looking at home in this domestic role. It makes them think of the future and gets their libidos going. Plus, you can put him to work helping you out, which is a great opportunity to do something together.

  • Although its definitely okay to still be cooking when your date arrives, make sure you are already dressed. Him seeing you in sweats crusted with food is not going to get you any. Put on a cute outfit and just throw an apron over it to inspire the subtle sexiness of a 1950's housewife.

  • Pay attention.... Remember what types of dishes your guy orders when out at a restaurant. Did he mention his favorite food? Does he like sweets? Paying attention to these things can help you plan a phenomenal meal that he is sure to love, and it will also show him that you are interested and attentive - two qualities that guys love. WARNING: Don't try to cook a dish if he tells you that's his mom's specialty and he loves it - it will probably not be up to par (because you aren't Mom) and you don't want to disappoint the first time you cook for him. On the other hand, if you can nail it... it will definitely put you in the potential wife category, so it may be worth the risk.

  • Try to pick "clean" foods... like Mom always used to warn you, don't pick a full lobster for a date. (Although, I am guilty of breaking this rule.) My rule: anything that would require you to wear a bib is better left to a later date. There is just too high a risk for disaster. Also, try to pick foods that are universally liked. This is not the time to try cooking Ethiopian food for the first time or some crazy spicy Thai dish.

Some Sexy Suggestions

  • Scallops are super easy and less messy/expensive than lobster. Just put two teaspoons of butter and two of olive oil in a skillet on medium heat. Make sure you pat dry your scallops so you can get nice color, and salt/pepper them. Cook 1-2 minutes on each side (depending on the size) and garnish with a lemon wedge that you can squeeze on for some fresh flavor.

  • Here is an amazing recipe for the Outback Caesar dressing. Salad is a safe green side dish that is definitely less controversial then serving Brussels sprouts or broccoli. And there is less of a chance of getting something gross and green stuck in your teeth - NOT sexy. Even though this is an easy recipe that just gets better as it sits in the fridge (so definitely make it in advance) it is MUCH more impressive and better tasting than something out of bottle.

  • Dessert. My secret is to doctor up a store bought cake mix. If you are making chocolate, try adding some espresso powder... or if you are doing a white cake, add a little more vanilla extract. One of my favorites is red velvet cake (how much sexier can you get??) that I doctor up with extra coco powder and vanilla. Everyone thinks I've been slaving away making it from scratch. Also bypass the can of frosting to make your own. Butter creme sounds scary but really its just a stick of butter, 4 cups of powdered sugar and a few tablespoons of milk. And you can make it any flavor by adding some extract. Taking this extra step will really make all the difference.

  • No time to cook? Get a rotisserie chicken from your local supermarket and some pre-made sides. Place everything in heat safe containers in the oven and on the stove and justpretend like you've been cooking all day. For dessert, just buy an angel food cake from the store. Cut a slice for each of you, add some sliced strawberries, raspberries or any other fruit that is in season and top with whipped cream.

So now its your turn to try your hand in the kitchen, and I hope my suggestions have given you some ideas. Keep me posted on how it goes and I would love to hear any stories you have about romantic homemade dinners.