Thursday, September 16, 2010

Love at First Bite: Why Vampires are the New Sex Symbol

Lately you are hard pressed to find a girl, teen or woman that has not been bitten by the vampire craze.

If you want a brooding, deep teenager who is an expert at bedroom eyes - Edward Cullen is your guy.

Interested in some brothers action? The new series Vampire Diaries will deliver.

If you like sexy, ancient, bad boys then Lestat (Tom Cruise in Interview with a Vampire) is a good match.

And we can't forget Eric in True Blood - a chiseled, cocky and ancient vampire with a hidden soft side.

But why has this mythical creature reached new heights in popularity with a corresponding rise in female fantasies? What has made the classic equation of human woman + male vampire = love, explode throughout the entertainment and literary industries?

I don't think that it is an accident that women are so drawn to the character of a vampire. Part of it is a "they chose me" attitude. Think: captain of the football team fantasy in high school. These men could have anyone, seduce anyone... but the attraction is them choosing you. Not just as a food source, but as an equal - to love and to cherish.

Also, vampires have an inherent bad boy streak. There is something dangerous, and subsequently sexy, about a bad boy that has always attracted women. Well, this character brings it to the next level by there actually being an element of risking your life. At any point they can lose control and take things too far.

Vampires are also a little amorphous with their sexuality. After being around for hundreds of years, they pretty much have tried everything. They also have had hundreds of years to perfect their technique in the bedroom. A well trained man in that department is definitely a turn on!

Passion. ALL women want it. We want to be adored - the center of someone's universe. And every woman wants to be looked at with those passionate stares that vamps are known for. You know what I mean, the intense stares that say "I want you", "I NEED you", "You look good enough to eat" all rolled into one.

And it doesn't hurt that they choose actors like Robert Pattinson, Brad Pitt and Alexander Skarsgard playing them. These men are gorgeous anyway, but add a little fang and their sex appeal is skyrocketed to a-whole-nother level!

Finally, there is fantasy about getting bitten (at least in the stories that it doesn't get you killed). It is a very overtly sexual act... the ultimate penetration for a vampire and blood-donor. Many times, feeding is directly linked to a sexual activity, only increasing its draw.

With all this, women are not going to soon abandon their vampire fantasies. Especially when they have the Twilight Series movies, another season of True Blood & Vampire Diaries to look forward to.

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